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Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing, did you know it?

If you have come this far it is because you want to learn to attract customers with the so-called content marketing and visually make them fall in love with your strategies. That is why I encourage you to continue reading this article about Inbound Marketing or Attraction Marketing, since it may be of interest to you to prepare your planning.

How do we define Inbound Marketing?

It is a set of techniques that allows us to reach our clients, where they will be classified as our buyer personas. Do you remember the previous article where we talked about them?

We will captivate our clients with useful, relevant, interesting and valuable content. In this way, potential clients will find your company in different channels (blogs, SEO, social networks, among others). A point in favor of this marketing strategy is that we do not approach customers in an intrusive way, so their perception of our company will provide them with differential value over the competition.

Fases del Inbound Marketing

1) Attract

In the first phase of Inbound Marketing we have to get visits, that is, get people to our digital media (blog, website, social networks). We will increase our web traffic from the interest that our content will generate.

We have already seen this in previous articles, but we will make a reminder. To attract visitors we will use the following tools: SEO, social networks, and word of mouth. We have to be interesting and provide value for future potential clients.

2) Convert

In this second phase we seek to convert visitors into leads, that is, everyone who comes to our website manages to register. In such a way that we will get them to leave us their data to classify them within our database. Spoiler, we will not achieve it if we do not create valuable content for our buyer persona.

To encourage registration, we can use elements such as: CTAs, Lead Magnets, forms or chat bots on our website.

1) Sell

Once we have our leads registered on our page, it is time to close the customer conversion: the objective is for them to buy our products and/or services. Be careful with this, we cannot be an aggressive company, otherwise the customer will feel pressured to buy, and in the end they will not end up doing so.

By offering valuable content and relevant information to the customer, we have to make them choose us instead of the market competition.

2) Build loyalty

Well done! If you are reading this, it is because we have reached the last phase of Inbound Marketing. We have managed to make the user part of our database, but we won't settle for just that, right? What we are looking for is for the client to repeat and trust us.

In this phase, what we can do is surprise you, offer solutions to your problems and give you an unusual service. Positioning ourselves in the consumer's mind is our goal. They must think that we take care of them and that we have the best customer service on the market.

In summary, we have just seen the 4 phases of Inbound Marketing. If we use these different techniques and tools we can facilitate these steps with users. And most importantly, offer them something that is not offered in the market.

How will we design our Inbound Marketing strategy?

Very easy! Every marketing strategy has its proper preparation, but here are some simple steps to follow:

1- Know our business.

2- We will create our Buyer Persona.

3- Define our SMART objectives.

4- Use the well-known AIDA model (attention, interest, desire and action)

5- Search our keywords (for SEO)

6- Plan our visually enchanting content

7- The advertising campaign begins ;)

8- Automate processes

9- Build loyalty and delight our client

Can I help you with the Inbound Marketing phases?

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Buyer Persona

Buyer persona, do you know how to segment it?

Many businesses make the mistake of creating a perfect marketing strategy, when they should really ask themselves what type of audience they are looking to attract.

What you need is to truly connect with potential clients, called buyer personas. If you are interested in creating a certain audience, read on!

What is a buyer persona?

They are the clients or potential clients who are buying or would buy our products. That is to say, it is an idyllic representation of the type of client that we would love to have, that we know will trust our values, our brand, our products or our services.

The objective is to better understand who we are targeting and how we will relate to our audience, to whom we want to sell our products or services.

What is the buyer persona for?

To clearly create our buyer persona, we have to observe the trends, behaviors and patterns of potential customers, which will then allow us to create a precise marketing strategy.

Within this marketing strategy, there is the so-called pain point, which are those problems that the audience we want to address faces, and that we know we will solve with our products or services.

We have to understand their motivations and pain pont through our buyer persona is our key to understanding the needs that our potential clients are looking for.

Once we have defined our buyer persona, we can begin to design and create the content, think about how and where we will share it (since it will help us in our inbound marketing campaigns) and how we can innovate our personal brand. That is, our buyer persona will tell us where to direct our business.

How to create our buyer persona?

Very simple. We will create our buyer persona with the so-called market research (this is where we will discover the quantitative and qualitative indicators), in order to analyze the data of the clients with whom we have worked to date.

To carry out the most accurate research possible on our audience, we can obtain answers from the following questions:

1-Personal data (name, age, address, nationality and marital status).

2-What do they do?

3-What are you looking for in our business?

4-What job sector do they belong to?

5-What is your training?

6-What solutions would you like to achieve?

7-Consumption habits

8-Your interests

9-Which social networks serve the most?

10-What are your priorities when choosing a product or service?

And we could continue with a thousand more questions, but each business must choose the ones that they believe best adapt to their marketing strategy.

Determining our Buyer Persona is essential to help us segment our target audience.

Many businesses make the mistake of creating a perfect marketing strategy, when they should really ask themselves what type of audience they are looking to attract.

What they need is to truly connect with potential clients, know what platforms they serve, what media they use to get information, even their interests are really important.

Would you know how to segment your Buyer Persona?

Digitize your business

One of the sectors that has undoubtedly come back strong after the pandemic is digital marketing. Today, who doesn't have a website/social networks to offer their services or products and reach users more quickly?

Many people prefer to keep their lives out of digitalization, and for everything to return to the way it was before; but if you are one of those who want to join the innovation of the digital world, follow me because this account is dedicated for you.

Below, UR Mktg Agency will show you reasons to take a 360-degree turn to your traditional business and join the new digital times.

Reduces costs

Thanks to digitalization, everything is simpler, improving and streamlining administrative management, since all the information that was previously stored physically is now stored in the cloud.

But the most important thing is that, by digitizing your business, a new digital communication link is created that shows all your information to suppliers and customers; This makes the procedures more agile.

Differentiation from the competition

Being able to offer an elegant and innovative image of the company, which makes it noticeable to the public that time and dedication is invested to improve the customer experience. By digitizing your company, you are already making a difference compared to your competition.

You improve customer relations

In the new digital era, new communication opportunities are also created with customers, where they can be offered all the information, their questions answered and interact in a simpler and more organic way.

Improved worker performance

You give your workers the incentive that they can work from anywhere, obtaining the benefit in exchange for greater productivity on their part. Furthermore, as a company, you can optimize resources, so that they are more efficient.

Interpretation of data and information

Having your business digitized means being able to interpret and analyze all your data, in order to plan an improvement in your strategies, whether communication, sales or marketing. These types of tools and your data metrics are success for your business.

One of the famous (among many) tools that most businesses use is Google Analytics, where it is helping you monitor the status of your website, showing you the most relevant data. Such as conversion rates, number of visitors, visualization of the funnel, how long they stayed and their geographical position. It also offers more advanced features such as custom user segmentation.

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